I Stand in the Middle

Ryan Santos

I stand in the middle
Between blindly divided factions
A perpetual tug of war, polarized activism
Tearing each other down for their own satisfaction
Creating nothing more than a political schism

I stand in the middle
Of a society based entirely on a similar belief
Where differing opinions can cause one to despise
But if compromise and unity rose from people’s feet
It may just become society’s relief

I stand in the middle
Of a constant uphill battle
Where one wrong step causes the Earth to rattle
A world where one’s internal strife
Leads to a loss of hope, and even a life

I stand in the middle
Of a constantly evolving swirl
Who am I? What is my place in this world?
Thoughts fly within my mind, yet I fall silent
Living in fear of another’s anger, unfurled
Becoming one of many factions assailant

I stand in the middle
Of untapped potential, I’ve come to realize
Remaining in the middle may be essential
Accepting today’s chapter and confiding in each other
Is what the world needs for leaping from stone to the another

Unity is one simple letter away from untie
The solitary divider, the letter y
Y do we continue to stand divided?
Y do we continue to fight?
Y do we hang on to society’s tradition
Unity, lost in our generation’s translation
Has created the present divide within our nation.

I urge you, stand silent with me
Observe the chaos of extremist activism
Watch as we are all driven to kill each other
Journey to the middle of the scale, and see both sides
Smile at individuality, and embrace other’s views
Create unity within society, rather than seeking to untie
The beauty of our nation which we all helped build

I stand in the middle…