Nicotine-based products have gained the attention of many teenagers. Besides nicotine, products known as vapes have become a consistent habit of society. According to the American Lung Association, 4.6% of middle school students and 10% of high school students are using these products. These products should not be being used, especially in youth where it’s being seen most. There are many problems people face due to the usage.
Besides nicotine, these vapes can contain harmful ingredients including ultrafine particles, flavorants such as diacetyl, and volatile organic compounds. They also can contain heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead. Ultrafine particles and flavorants such as diacetyl can be inhaled deep into the lungs and cause lung diseases.
Although there are all of these harmful substances used in vapes, teens and adults seem to overlook this fact. Many teens sadly have grown an addiction to these products. Exposure to these products can cause addiction, which could cause a fault in brain development.
There are different types of vapes, such as THC and CBD. Although these products are prescribed to some adults for medical problems, they are watched and monitored how they are used. Teenagers are now using these as a way to “ have fun” and need to be more educated on what they are doing themselves.
In such a large school, staff and administration see many occurrences of usage of vapes being used. This should not be occurring by students due to the fact these products should only be purchased by those 21 and over.
Officer Moran, one of our SRO officers, shared, “ The biggest concern we have in Law Enforcement with these THC and CBD vapes is you don’t know what you are ingesting. Another major concern is the OD’s and the other negative reactions those using these things are receiving. When handling these situations in minors, there are, of course, legal measures that could be used, but we believe that educating them is the best way to go about it.”
Along with there being other side effects with vaping, something most teens do not realize is that just vaping can grow an addiction to other drugs down the road.
If there is ever an instance where you need to talk to someone about drug or alcohol usage please see a teacher, an administrator, a counselor, and/or Officer Moran.