Sharks and the ocean are some people’s biggest fears. Other people feel differently, though. Some people like sharks because they are captivating and interesting.
Most sharks are endangered and if not yet they will be soon. Sharks are the reason why many people don’t like the ocean. One can safely enjoy the waters when precautions are taken.
Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth; In fact, the first sharks lived more than 300 million years ago.
Sharks have six senses: sight, hearing, smelling, touch,taste, and ampullae of lorenzini. The sixth sense uses a unique organ called Ampullae of Lorenzini. Ampullae of Lorenzini is when a shark can’t see anything, they can sense it still.
Many people don’t realize that sharks have many fascinating facts about them. For example, sharks lose more than 30,000 teeth in a lifetime, they can smell one drop of blood in 100 liters of water, and their skin feels more like teeth than fish scales.
Sharks have a special feature to them. They can’t get cavities. They’re teeth are safe from decay because of their natural fluoride that is coated on all of their teeth. Sharks teeth can grow back as soon as it loses one. That is how they lose over 30,000 teeth in their lifetime.
The skin of sharks looks smooth and sleek, but really it feels like teeth! Scales on sharks are made up of v-shaped scales, which are also called dermal denticles. Dermal denticles are made up of an inner pulp cavity and an outside layer of dentine.
There are surfers from Carolina Forest High School who have seen various things in the ocean that have made them run out of the water, and they are some people that aren’t scared at all. Freshman Isabella Boyd surfs as a hobby.
“I am not scared of sharks while I am in the waters. I’m not scared because I feel like if I don’t bother them, they don’t bother me. Sharks are more misunderstood than they are evil creatures that everyone makes them out to be,” shared Boyd.
Sharks can be terrifying, but if you love the oceans then it doesn’t bother you too much.
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