It rides in on that white horse,
He gleams in the light,
angel wings could spread from Him
if He wasnt already so powerful.
It has the heir of a commandant,
that pearly stallion gives It force,
shimmering and determined
He stamples on the Void.
devoid of all light,
It travels fast but is unseen,
unheard of until It is already upon us
He does not know it either.
He continues to gallop,
the glimmering never ceases,
to amaze It, we must be pure
He must be infected by It.
those Void holes for eyes,
that white horse cant see them,
for It is already upon Him
just as everything else
He leaves the battlefield splattered,
the blood from It is not passionate,
but of the void,
It is spreading.
and It spills darkness on every creature,
and while war rages onward,
It consumes
and like every beast, It calls Itself noble.