Our Political Debate


Shelbi Ankiewicz

On Wednesday, Oct. 18, Mr. Iagulli’s classes organized a political debate at the Carolina Forest Recreational Center.

The students were studying Colonial American government and how vital government really is. Mr. Iagulli had the idea of creating our own public debate since our state house seat, Mike Ryhal, recently stepped down. The runners were Tim McGinnis, Dwyer Scott, and Adam Miller. 

The event was open to the community, where anyone was welcome.

All of the questions asked were created by the students prior to the event. They covered topics dealing with the environment, infrastructure, and wages.  It took three class periods and some time after school to prepare everything.

To determine who the speakers would be at the debate, the class had a little voting session themselves.

“I enjoyed the debate because it gave me a deeper insight into our local government,” said senior Kyle Ewing. “I learned a lot about how we are represented in the state and what candidates can do to make our district better. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

Mr. Iagulli believed this was a great experience and plans to have more hands-on events in the future.

“They learned that candidates main focus is to win the election… which doesn’t mean they lie, but they speak broadly and stay away from promising too much,” said Mr. Iagulli. “Representation is secondary to winning.”