New Technology for CFHS

Makayla Doyle, Writer

Carolina Forest High School is receiving new technology in Aug. 2018 to replace the Dell Venues that are currently being used. Recently, a select group of students and teachers from our area’s high schools visited the District Office of Horry County Schools to discuss our options.

Option one is the Dell Laptop/ Dell Chromebook. A Dell Chromebook comes with automatic updates, built-in virus protection and a long lasting battery. The Chromebooks prices can range from $199.00 to $999.00.

Option two is an Ipad by Apple with a keyboard. The Ipad comes with a ten-hour battery, over one-million apps and a 9.7″ display. The prices can range from $300.00 to $849.00.

To find out more, I asked our school representatives questions about the technology. My first question was about the choices being offered and what the devices need to be the best for Carolina Forest.

“We looked over three devices: the Chromebook, the Dell Latitude Laptop and the Ipad with a keyboard. We want to use the one that best helps to manage and easily use the best apps and digital platforms we have for instructional as well as creative purposes.” stated Mrs.Warren, CFHS’s curriculum coach and AP Literature teacher.

Another question I asked was about a previously preferred technology and how it will benefit the classroom experience.

Kirsten Mann, a Senior editor for The Prowler, Commented, “Ipad was by far the best one. Most teenagers already have an Apple device so they are already more familiar with the Ipad. The Ipad is more reliable and has many extras that could help out our school a lot.”

The event put a major amount of weight on their shoulders to make a wise decision. The high schools will find out the chosen device by this summer for the year 2018-19.