Club Highlight: Aware-O-Ween!

Caelia Allen, Staff Writer

The month of October served as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Carolina Forest High made sure to participate in the spread of its awareness. Two ‘Pink Out’ days were held, one kicking off Spirit Week and another saying au revoir to the month of October. Inspiration Club, known for spreading awareness and encouraging the student body to embrace themselves and others, hosted two events.

The first was a gathering of students and teachers during lunch in our media center to discuss and listen to stories of survivors and those who have or have lost loved ones to the illness.  A freshman by the name of De’asia Goodman gave a presentation about her aunt who has battled the deadly disease. Breast cancer survivors, Ms. Ruthie Warren & Ms. Jennifer Kulick are teachers here at CFHS. They were also kind enough to share their stories.

Although she was not able to make the event, Ms. Kulick states, “I truly appreciate being honored. The Inspiration Club did a great job raising awareness for [Breast Cancer].”

On the Halloween of 2018, the second event was held beside the Pavillion on campus. It was titled Aware-O-Ween thanks to Inspiration Club’s president, Elizabeth Garcia. A pumpkin carving contest was set up with tables of trivia and awareness goodies along with a side sectioned for photos. Props were present to use during the picture taking. There were five teams with two students each. Miss Brisbon, the club’s sponsor, took pictures and videos of the event. There was Halloween trivia and breast cancer trivia. Participants and bystanders in either events received candy as a reward for supporting the cause. The winning team received a certificate for a free corn dog from Sonic and a bag of candy.

It was the club’s first time creating these events, and both were greatly enjoyed by students and teachers alike. Hopefully, next year the event will have a greater turn out.