December 6, 2018
I remember the very day my parents burst in my room, tear-stained faces.
I knew it was bad but never expected it to be you.
Seeing family so teary-eyed and sad, I’d wave and look down, not wanting to be seen.
No one dared to speak, not even a smile for condolence.
Who would want to at a time like this?
My favorite place is the cabin. Waking up 5 in the morning with you in your chair. The smell of coffee in the cold air. The computer light shining on your face. Your beard so gray, with your nose red. Those were the best days to wake up to.
You told stories like they were true. The best one was Bigfoot taking your toe, you didn’t want to tell what really happened. Your smirk was something I would never forget. Your laugh made others laugh, too.
In my heart as well as my memory, you will be there for eternity.