Hollywood Studios Becomes Bigger and Better

Haylee Adkins and Staff Writer

Disney World is a magical place that makes childhood dreams come true.

CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert A. Iger, decided that it was time to replace an old ride and add a new one. The Great Movie Ride was a dedication to all the old favorite films. Some old favorites that were involved in the attraction was Casablanca, Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Singin’ in the Rain, Fantasia, Wizard of Oz, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Alien. The 19-minute ride opened on May 1, 1989 and closed on August 13, 2017. The attraction was at Hollywood Studios, or as some people still call it, MGM.

The new attraction Disney decided to open is dedicated to two major stars: Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway. The ride will be in 2½D and doesn’t require glasses. 2½D is an animation drawn in 2D into a 3D space. Also, this is the first ride to ever have these iconic characters. This new ride will be opening late spring of 2019 replacing The Great Movie Ride.

An addition to Hollywood Studios, Star Wars Galaxy Edge will be coming late fall of 2019. It will transport guests to a whole new world with two new attractions.

Disney is adding the next generation animatronics called A1000s. This attraction will involve Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon, guests become a part of the crew on the fastest ship in the galaxy. The other ride will involve the guests becoming hostages, resulting in a battle between the First Order and The Resistance.  

There’s going to be a new show near Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster. It will feature Lighting McQueen and all his tricks to becoming an amazing racer and will be called Lighting McQueen’s Racing Academy. This will open early 2019.  

Ava Sampson a sophomore, has gone to Hollywood Studios on multiple occasions. Her favorite ride is Tower of Terror. My favorite attraction, however, is at Magic Kingdom: The Laugh Floor.  No matter what a person’s favorite ride or attraction, Disney is a magical place.  

Disney World is always finding ways to expand and improve their entertainment for millions of fans who visit the parks on a yearly basis. Hollywood Studios is one of the main parks that will become bigger and better with all the new entertainment coming 2019. There is a debate on whether to change the name Hollywood Studios; what do you think the name should be?