Get Involved…Yes, YOU!!!!!!


Helen Bass, Media Co- Editor

Being involved throughout high school is something I wish I could go back in time and urge myself to do. For the first time throughout my high school career, I have been elected into our 2019-2020 Student Council. I am eager to have a voice throughout my senior year. Things like Student Council look amazing on applications and also provides a place where people can learn to lead and organize. It allows students to have a say in school events and activities; voting and campaigning for office in high school is an amazing way to prepare students for real-life voting.

Other activities such as sports can teach students accountability and leadership. Sports can provide students opportunities for scholarships and recognition throughout the county and state. It allows students to learn how to work with others in a setting that they enjoy.

Academic honors societies provide a place where students can meet and work with other students who share a common love for the subject. They plan activities that incorporate the subject on campus and throughout the community. It also gains you a band for graduation and colleges love students involved in honors societies.

Service clubs and groups are also a part of Carolina Forest’s extracurricular programs. Organizations just as Key Club and Anchor Club allow students to become involved in bettering our school and community through service as well as other forms of volunteer work.

Being involved in school helps students gain essential life skills and recognition throughout the school, community, and in graduation as well as college. It teaches responsibility and other skills that help students further their educations and careers out of high school.