New Year’s Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

Lilly Hortis, Co-Editor

With the New Year quickly approaching, everyone is starting to think about making their New Year’s Resolutions. Most who make these resolutions often do not follow through with their goals. According to, “Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them.”

Katelyn Carroll, one of our special education teachers, adds, “I think they are tradition, although most of the time people don’t follow through with them.”

There are several things to do and not to do when making your New Year’s Resolutions. Listed below are some of those dos and don’ts. (Source:

DON’T : Use the first goals that come to your mind. You most likely won’t follow through with these goals.
DO : Think hard when coming up with the goals you are setting for yourself. Make sure they actually apply to your life and aren’t just made up.

DON’T : Base your goals on a single part of your life.
DO : Look at you life as a whole when setting your goals. You will accomplish more.

DON’T : Come up with a never ending list of numerous goals and begin to pursue all of them. This will often end in disaster.
DO : Be selective when making goals. The only goals that should make the final list are the important ones. It’s best to start with a couple goals and as you accomplish them, you can add to the list.

DON’T : Write your goals down on a piece of loose paper. You’ll be more likely to lose them.
DO: Find a proper place to keep your goals so you can refer back to them and they don’t get lost. They should be accessible to you at all times.

DON’T : Think of resolutions as a one time a year thing. If you do, you are more likely to fail in accomplishing your goals.
DO : Follow up regularly on the goals you set for yourself. Review them and find out where you stand with accomplishing them.

DON’T : Limit your goal or think they have to start with “be.”
DO : Think more about processes and products that need to take place for the “be” goals to happen. They all have a process that must happen before you can accomplish those goals.

Many people have different views on making New Year’s Resolutions.

Art teacher Meghan Norris comments, “Personally, I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. I think you should try to be your best self each day, and if you fall into bad patterns, people tend to wait until New Years to make positive change. However, I do believe that January can be a great fresh start.”

When making goals for yourself, whether it be at the beginning of the New Year, or in the middle of the year, make them reasonable so that you are able to accomplish them. Always strive to be the best you.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?