Starting A Small Online Business

January 10, 2020
Many people think it takes a profusion of time and money to start a business, so they choose not to. Although it does take time, an abundance of money is not needed. The number of small businesses is increasing rapidly, and many of them are paying off. Always remember patience is key.
It takes more money to start a retail business because of the amount of stock needed to start; therefore, many businesses have begun launching online. With the popularity rise of platforms such as Depop and Etsy, it’s become so much easier to start a business. Shops on these sites range from clothing and accessories to home decor and much more.
Etsy shops are great for selling products that are handmade. The majority of shop owners spend much of time and effort in making their products. This sometimes causes prices to be a little more expensive than usual online shops, but it’s definitely worth the money.
Kristen Dutka, a teacher here at Carolina Forest High School, has her own Etsy shop. JustADropJewelry features all handmade essential oil diffusing jewelry and other accessories. She enjoyed the freedom that came with being able to sell what she wanted on Etsy. Dutka wants to add more products, such as paintings, to her shop. She also likes the globalization aspect of owning a small business because it brings a connection that wouldn’t have been there with a regular retail store.
“Having something like an Etsy shop is good because you can express yourself in other ways, and you can get your artwork noticed….it doesn’t cost much to start up other than making your product,” explained Dutka.
Another business idea is to resell clothes. Many people who choose to do this resell the clothes they find at thrift stores. Vintage, name brand, or even just cute clothes can be resold for a higher profit. Older fashion trends, such as mom jeans and baby T’s, are beginning to resurface, so there’s been an increase in people who thrift. Poshmark and thredUP are also good platforms to sell clothing.
There are so many more ideas that can come to life. It all depends on where the business owner wants to go with their products. There are different websites and apps that can be used to sell different products. Practically anything can be sold on Letgo, from grills and refrigerators to fishing gear, and even computers. There’s even a platform made solely for selling sneakers. GOAT helps people resell and buy name brand sneakers in good condition.
All in all, starting a small online business isn’t difficult at all. Anyone can do it and sell anything they want as long as they put in their full effort. Always remember that patience is key within the business world.