The Girl Scout Difference

February 13, 2020
Girl Scouts has been around for over 100 years now. After having started with 18 girls, the organization has now reached over 10 million girls across the world. Girl Scouts has helped positively influence so many females and countries.
Juliette Low founded Girl Scouts in 1912 with a vision. Her goal was to prepare girls for life by building their courage, confidence and character. The original troop did many things that troops today are involved in. They were there to lend a helping hand to those in need, as well as learning to understand the world around them.
Girl Scouts may seem to be nothing but a cookie-selling, trip-taking club, however, it is much more than that. The “girl” in Girl Scouts is actually an acronym for go-getter, innovator, risk-taker and leader. This is to remind the girls that they’re capable of truly anything. Girl Scouts thrive in five main ways; they develop a strong sense of self, seek challenges and learn from their setbacks, display positive values, form and maintain healthy relationships and work to identify and solve problems in their communities.
Senior Madi Davenport stated, “[Girl Scouts] gives you a good opportunity to acquire new skills and socialize with peers.”
There are six levels of Girl Scouts: Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadets, Seniors and Ambassadors. The girls’ grade-level relates to their ranking in the scouts, and each one has a different role to play. Girls can earn different badges and awards based on their ranking. They can use their earned badges to decorate their tunics, vests or sashes.
Girl Scouts can earn several different awards for helping their community. If they make a lasting, sustainable change, then they could earn the Gold Award, which is the highest award offered by the Girl Scout organization. There’s also a national award that’s offered to scouts called the Global Action Award. This can be obtained when girls taking action and working towards sustainable development goals (SDGs) in their communities.
Girls are prepared for their future by learning important leadership skills that they’ll use in their everyday life. These skills, plus scholarships, will set girls on the path to a great career and life. Girl Scouts will always work to better the world one girl at a time.
“[Girl Scouts] teaches you great lessons on how to live life,” remarked six-year Girl Scout Hannah Carovinvi.
If you’re interested in joining Girl Scouts you can sign up on their website: