Disney World During COVID

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Dreme Davis, Staff Writer

Is the happiest place on earth holding up to its name during this pandemic? During these unpredictable times, Disney has some effective rules to keep you and others safe. I recently visited the popular amusement park,  and it was very different from what I’m used to. Although visitors can still enjoy their favorite Disney rides and events,  some things have changed.

Disney now allows half capacity into their parks;  therefore, visitors  have to reserve spots while in the park.  Masks are to be worn consistently  around the park and rides to keep you and others around you safe. While waiting in line, people have spots to stand on that are spaced out by 6 feet from your group and others. They also have a certain stop in line where you have to dispose of any drinks or food that you cannot bring on line with you while waiting to get on a ride. Disney employees enforce this rule because no one is allowed to eat in line while waiting because you are risking others by removing your mask to do so.

To order food,  visitors now have to go on the  Disney app and place an order. Some of your favorite Disney restaurants are temporarily closed due to COVID. Although the restaurants are closed, you can still find your favorite foods in other locations that are still open. To dine in a restaurant,  reservations need to be made due to limited capacity that the park is requiring.  

Disney is known for its interactions with all the characters, such as meeting Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, your favorite princess and so much more. Due to the circumstances, visitors are only allowed to stand by the characters from a distance. They still have parades, but they’re not as big as they used to be.

Despite all of the changes that has been caused by the pandemic, Disney will forever and always be the happiest place on earth.