The Sport of Hunting

Jenna Graziano, Staff Writer/ Media Producer

Hunting in the Carolinas is a sport that is loved by many people.  There are, however, some questions that come to mind:  Is hunting a good or bad thing? Is hunting good for the environment, and is hunting considered animal cruelty? 

According to, South Carolina is known to be one of the most popular places to hunt. Our most popular and economically important game animal is the white -ailed deer. Texas leads the nation in the number of hunters: although, it is the largest state in the white-tails range, so the hunter density is light. 

Many people have their own beliefs on whether hunting is good or bad for the environment. explains the two sided argument. Some see hunting as a natural way to remove and kill inferior animals out of a herd. As a result, the animals reproduce beyond the carrying capacity in the nation. 

On the other hand, animal and environmental advocates argue that hunting is morally wrong to kill animals, cruel and brutal. They feel as if you should not hunt animals for pure enjoyment. 

Some people find hunting enjoyable and don’t view it as such a horrible thing. I surveyed some students here at Carolina Forest to find out their input and experience on hunting. 

Bowen Bryant, a junior, shared,” My favorite part about hunting is getting to get out in nature and it being so peaceful. 

Although today people view hunting as a leisure activity, it has a bigger impact on us humans than we think. Improving physical fitness and stamina, developing mental strength, decreasing stress levels while boosting wellbeing,  and creating connections and bonds with others are all benefits from hunting for us humans. 

Vann Satterwhite, a junior, expressed,” I hunt because I enjoy the thrill of watching the deer come out and harvesting it and providing meat for my family.” 

Overall, many people view hunting as a hobby they enjoy, and others view it as animal cruelty.