National Human Rights Month

December 16, 2021
December is the month known as National Human Rights Month. It is a global holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights marked on December 10, 1948. The purpose for universally naming this month was to create awareness to all individuals or to stand up for their rights and unification.
Every year there is a different theme for National Human Rights Day. This year it is focused on the beginnings of peace within society while also focusing on the future.
The purpose served for this universal month is to reflect on how we treat others while trying to create equality for all generations. The main theme is equality and the advancing of human rights.
According to National Today, there are three things that individuals can do to observe Universal Human Rights Month.
- Reread the Bill of Rights
- Do some volunteering such as Amnesty International
- Give back to your community not just by actions
Jeshua Godoy-Lopez, a sophomore at Carolina Forest High School, makes an effort to observe Universal Human Rights Month.
Godoy-Lopez adds, “I reach out to diverse communities in order to understand their views and possibly help them.”
If you choose to make these efforts, the month will create a bigger impact on the population and allow for better understanding of why this month is really important.
By participating and acknowledging this month, the fight for more and more equality continues, especially this year as we still struggle with the Covid pandemic.
COVID-19 efforts have been very concentrated on globally along with its social and mental aspects. Reaching out to others during times of discrimination is an extremely good way to make sure everyone is doing okay mentally while providing for those who feel injustice. COVID-19 focus is extremely important for this month because it is a global issue that can only be helped if those around the world work together.
To move forward globally as a population, those striving for equality and those who believe they already have it have to do what’s best for the minority and can take this special month to reflect on that.