Quote I’d live by:

Breanna Boyd

`Thou lived to be free, but never knew what it tasted like

`Thou has fallen from the happy small soul and turned into a dark lioness within

It roams with fury but burns with a passion of inspiration

Everything feels far away; everything has a price

`Thou everything is portrayed as a luxury and gold, it’s not like that at all

It is clear that life works us to the point that we don’t want to be here anymore, but I promise what you hope for is on the other side of the door

We are different by race, gender, sexuality, religion, culture, and so on in beauty flames

Make a safe space somewhere to call home, whether with someone or alone

It’s difficult to accept things or people for who they are but welcome to life

Where different is near and far

Nobody knows how we feel unless you practice unworldly magic that’s the only way

Oh the beating heart not only pumps to keep you alive, but it pumps a bloody 

the passion of what one feels inside

It does so much and yet some treat it like it’s nothing, but I can’t tell you what to do

Your body, your life, your choice…

I’m gonna do what I gotta do