CFHS ShowCase: Stunning Competition Performance

May 23, 2022
It was a star-filled, award winning weekend for the CF ShowCase at the annual Show Choir Competition in Florida. Three judges from different parts of the country attended this event. Carolina Forest brought home the 1st Place Show Choir and 1st Place Choral Ensemble Awards back to Myrtle Beach. ShowCase also received three Superior Ratings and 1st Place ShowChoir. The Concert Choir received three Superior Ratings and 1st Place Choral Ensemble. Congratulations, Panthers!
In this competition, our performers competed against a national standard for both show and concert choirs. Members of our CFHS’s ShowCase performed “Living in Living Color” from Catch Me If You Can, “Rent” from Rent, “Will I?” from Rent, and “Backstage Performance” from Moulin Rouge. The Concert Choir performed “O Love ” by Elaine Hagenberg, “Ubi Caritas” by Ola Gjelio and “Kyrie” from MEMORIAL by Rene Clausen.
Showcase received three Superior Ratings and 1st Place ShowChoir. The Concert Choir received three Superior Ratings and 1st Place Choral Ensemble.
Although they had these outstanding outcomes, these performers faced some challenges with this competition as well. Due to the competition being at a new place that they have never performed in before, they had to quickly adapt to the environment.
Caitlyn Buckley, a junior in ShowCase, shared,” The biggest challenge for me personally was the adjustment to the stage at the competition. In our home performances, we use risers and we are all used to the floor and the amount of pressure needed for balance, etc. Going to a new stage with no risers and not being used to the layout or feel was a little nerve-wracking, but we all pushed through.”
Due to the conditions and hardships Covid brought us, underclassmen could not attend this trip in previous years. This was a first and last experience for most of these students.
Samantha Heinz, a senior, expressed,” It felt so good to get back to a Show Choir Competition this year. Only three of us went on a trip freshman year. For everyone else, it was their first time going on a competition trip. The experience was incredible!”
Kraig McBroom, the performing arts director, revealed,” I am so deeply proud of the hard work the ShowCase has given, the huge time commitment, and the level of maturity they have achieved in the process. I am so excited for their huge, well-deserved successes at competition and throughout this school year!”
If you see any of the following students, please take a moment to congratulate them: