Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained?


Do you need visuals to understand information, or do you prefer your information to be written down and organized? Do you find it easier to express yourself with words or through music and dance? Though we require the need for all functions in our brains, you may favor one side over the other.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left and the right. It is believed that the two sides function differently. The right-brain is more creative and helps you with nonverbal cues, rhythm, intuition, and your imagination. The left-brain is more logical and helps you with linear thinking, facts, and mathematics. There is a theory that people can favor one side of their brain. 

This doesn’t mean that you only use one side of your brain; in fact, you use both sides to do everything. The left-brain can be often credited for understanding words in conversation, but the right-brain is also used to understand the tone of the conversation. Your brain is constantly working and using both sides, but which side is more dominant in your personality?

Approximately 100 students in grades 9-12 were given a survey to determine if they were left brained or right brained. After receiving their results, many were surprised. 

Judith Giganti, an English teacher, exclaimed, “I have always believed myself to be right-brain dominant so I was surprised to find that this test considered me to be left-brain dominant.”

Dominic Colasico, a junior added, “I was flabbergasted when I discovered that I was left-brained. It made sense, though, the more I thought about it.”

Many people have taken this test and thought that if they are more left-brained that means they cannot be right-brained. Both sides of your brain are there to be used to help you understand the information given to you in all social situations.

Taking this test can help individuals understand understand the way your brain processes information to help you become a more successful person:

In the article “Understanding Your Brain to Help You Learn Better,” the authors compare the neurons in your brain to a forest trail. “Walking through a forest without a trail is difficult, because you have to compact and push the vegetation and branches out of the way to carve your way through. The more you use the same trail, the easier and more practicable it becomes.” Using this analogy, we can conclude that to understand your brain more you need to constantly try to understand how your brain functions most comfortably. 

Do not limit your potential in any area, no matter if your brain is more “left than right.” To be logical is to be creative enough to think of solutions and to be creative is to understand certain aspects or difficulties that can approach when creating. There is not a limit to what your brain can do!