In 2012, the hit show “Duck Dynasty” premiered for the first time on A&E. The comedic reality show portrays the lives of the Robertson family and their company “Duck Commander.” The show went on for 11 seasons and won multiple awards. They depict a -fun-filled country lifestyle. However, life has not always been so lavish for Phil Robertson and his family.
On September 29, 2023, “The Blind” was released in theaters. According to Shreveport, “The Blind” made 5.2 million over the weekend and ranked No. 4 for opening movies. Phil narrates the movie by explaining his route to redemption to a good friend during a long day of hunting.
Phil Robertson grew up in a very poor family on the outskirts of Louisiana. In high school, he fell in love with Kay Carroway and started a family. But his demons come to haunt him and take over his life. While fighting the harsh battle of alcoholism, Phil was finally able to change his ways by finding light in Christianity.
Senior Gabe Lopez stated, “I never really watched the show ‘Duck Dynasty,’ but I really enjoyed the movie. The acting was so genuine, portraying alcohol abuse and its effects on such a deep level. I would definitely recommend seeing it.”
The Robertson family wanted to share their story with the world.
“Dad’s story is hard to tell. The fact that he can come through that and save their marriage, people can benefit from it if they’re losing hope,” commented Willie Robertson, one of Robertson’s sons.
The actors did a truly captivating job, giving the story lots of raw authenticity. While the movie was based on a true story, it was not a documentary. The brokenness of Phil and Kay pictured a grim reality that hits your soul. The plot of forgiveness and redemption is totally worth watching.