Bernie’s Time to Shine

Helen Bass, Media Co- Editor

Bernie Sanders recently took part in a Fox News Town Hall in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It showed viewers the truth about Sanders and his stances, as well as his take on our current president and his actions.

The event took place in a historically Democratic state that turned red in 2016 and voted for Trump. The audience was mostly comprised of people from the working class of all parties who in 2016 believed that Trump would do the most for them.

The hosts began with asking Sanders and the audience a series of questions involving how he plans on paying for a few of his proposals. From a government based-health care program for all to free college, every question was given a fair answer that explained how truly achievable these plans actually are, as well as how beneficial they would be for the average American.

The audience’s responses to his rhetoric and proposals showed that they want a progressive leader who is for the people. People want a leader who doesn’t put themselves first.

When I asked Sophomore Molly Marie Sheely how she felt about the Town Hall, she made her excitement about the fact that Sanders is finally being taken seriously very clear. “I am very happy to see people finally taking Sander’s and his platform seriously, his ideas are knowledgeable and obtainable and deserve to be explained and listen to.”

Sanders reached millionaire status in the last year, so he obviously benefited from Trump’s tax cut. The tax cut in which 83% of the created benefits were for the top one percent, even though it was sold to voters as for everyone. Sanders released his tax returns and explained how he felt that it was his duty to pay more and if elected, he would.

The town hall also brought to light what the Trump presidency has done to many working-class Americans and their mindsets. Four years ago Sanders and his ideas were considered fringe; people wouldn’t give him the time of day. Now after having Trump in office, people are willing to listen because they want that change.

Sanders now has the chance to explain and truly push his agenda that is for the people, and now more than ever that’s what we need. The sad part is that it took a truly awful presidency to open the average American’s eye and show them that we are nowhere near done.